Suck it Up
College Algebra still sits in front of me. I should be studying it now. I am the great procrastinator when it comes to the complicated issues like College Algebra vs. ego.
I have waited to see how things go on Thursday's test on functions and graphs before dropping the class may happen. So, I study (or procrastinate) throughout this week as best as I can. I have never studied so much for something to work toward a potential C or B in my life. It was bound to happen sooner or later in some class I am taking, though. My ego has a hard time understanding this. But, like Tommy says, I only have to get through the class ONCE in my life, and then it is done. I have to see how many days are left nd start the countdown!
Microbiology is easy and fun for me. Psychology of Personal Effectiveness is a close second. Speech is an easy class, but I still find that little voice saying to me "But you ALREADY have a waiver for this class, silly...why do you have to take it?" I am taking it in case I need to go to any other college other than BCC-where the waiver will not fly.
Work is work. I have moments of unbelievable displays of life and positive attitude in human nature, and then the very next second the flipside of this. Good for anyone of solid temperment, but I am still in my period of stress recovery. In fact, in my Psych class we needed to take a stress test and report our results to the class. My number was over 700-one of the highest in the class (and I was NOT trying to be competitive!) Recent death in the family...check. Recent family serious illnesses...check check. Recent change in work and leaving past work..check. All examples for high scores. So, I take moments to breath a bit more. Try to look at my watch a bit less. Listen to that bird sing before getting to my car to go home. Take River Drive at 25mph on the way home and look at all the nice homes with their lights on inside. The little moments.
I am now stopping my procastination and getting back to the dang Algebra...
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