A Day in the Life...
Student Kimberly
5:45: awaken
6:15: on the computer for personal business
6:30: shower
7:00: study microbiology, paramedic, and/or algebra
10:30: leave for class
10:50: algebra class
12:00: lunch/algebra homework
1:00: microbiology class
4:00: home/take care of personal errands
5:00: dinner/studying
8:00: relax-bit of television?
9:30: bed
Paramedic Kimberly
5:00:awaken, shower, breakfast
6:15: on the road to work
7:00: start of work day at the hospital
11:00: snack (if lucky)
1:30: lunch (if lucky)
7:23: off work
8:00: home, unwind
9:30: bed
Bowler Kim (just for memory-sake folks) regular competition day
7:00: inside bowl to work out bowling balls newly drilled, gather and hide ashtrays, watch laneman
8:00: breakfast, television, website updates
8:45: inside bowl to move balls to starting pair, rollcall
9:45: start of practice
10:00: start of competition
1:30: lunch, break, order new balls, change ball surfaces for night round, "game plan"
3:00-4:00: nap
4:15: change of clothes, hair and makeup
4:45: practice session
5:00: start of competition
8:30: move balls to paddock, new game plan, new equipment ordering, new surfaces
9:00: "unwind" (sounds silly to even type this)
10:30: bed
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